According to data from Maoyan Professional Edition, as of 21:00 on February 17th, the total box office of new films during the 2024 Spring Festival season (February 10th to February 17th) has exceeded 8.023 billion yuan, surpassing the highest box office of the 2021 Spring Festival season of 7.842 billion yuan, setting a new record for the box office of the Spring Festival season in the history of Chinese cinema! The total number of audience during the festival period reached 163 million, and the total number of screenings was 3.937 million, both setting new records for the highest number of audience and screenings in the history of the Spring Festival season in Chinese cinema.猫眼专业版数据显示,截至2月17日21时,2024年春节档(2.10-2.17)新片总票房突破80.23亿元,超过了历史最高的2021年春节档票房78.42亿元,刷新了中国影史春节档票房的新纪录!档期内总观影人次1.63亿,总场次393.7万场, 双双刷新了历史最好成绩,创下中国影史春节档总观影人次新高和总场次新高。This years top four films in the Spring Festival box office are “YOLO”, “Pegasus 2,” “Boonie Bears: Time Twist,” and “Article 20.” The box office of each of the four films mentioned above exceeded 1.3 billion yuan during the festival period, contributing a combined total of 97.6% of the overall box office for the festival.今年春节档票房前四名分别为《热辣滚烫》《飞驰人生2》《熊出没·逆转时空》和《第二十条》。以上4部影片单片档期票房均超过13亿元, 合计贡献了97.6%的档期大盘票房。Jia Lings ” YOLO,” which she directed and starred in, stole the spotlight during this years Spring Festival season, securing the top spot in the box office well ahead of time. Notably, during the 2021 Spring Festival season, which holds the second-highest box office record in Chinese cinema history, Jia Lings directorial debut “Hi, Mom” also claimed the championship title.贾玲执导并主演的《热辣滚烫》在今年春节档表现最为抢眼, 提前锁定春节档票房冠军宝座。而在中国影史排名第二的2021年春节档, 贾玲的导演处女作《你好,李焕英》也曾拿下档期票房冠军。“YOLO” continued to demonstrate Jia Lings remarkable ability to attract audiences and, through its overwhelmingly positive reception by viewers, achieved an impressive turnaround, topping the box office on February 11th (the second day of the Lunar New Year). Since then, it has consistently dominated the daily box office, grossing over 300 million yuan for six consecutive days.《热辣滚烫》延续了贾玲此前的票房号召力,并凭借迅速发酵的观众口碑,于2月11日(大年初二)实现票房“逆袭”登顶, 此后连续6天以超过3亿元的单日票房成绩夺得票房日冠军。Recently, there was a heartwarming crossover interaction between two well-known singers in the music industry. Jay Chou publicly thanked the team of Taylor Swift on social media for giving him concert tickets, sparking intense attention and discussion among their fans.近日,音乐界两位知名歌手之间发生了一次令人感动的跨界互动。周杰伦在社交平台上公开感谢了Taylor Swift团队送给他的霉霉演唱会门票,引发了粉丝们的热烈关注和讨论。Jay Chou and Taylor Swift are both highly regarded music icons in their respective countries and globally. Jay Chou has gained fame in Asia and beyond for his unique musical style and creative talents, while Taylor Swift has captured the hearts of countless listeners worldwide with her beautiful voice and emotional lyrics. Despite coming from different musical and cultural backgrounds, both artists are representatives of the music industry, boasting massive fan bases and profound influence.周杰伦和Taylor Swift都是各自国家乃至全球范围内备受瞩目的音乐巨星。周杰伦以其独特的音乐风格和创作才华在亚洲乃至世界范围内享有盛誉, 而Taylor Swift则以其优美的声线和深情的歌词征服了全球无数听众的心。两人虽然来自不同的音乐文化背景,但却都是音乐界的代表人物, 拥有着庞大的粉丝基础和深厚的影响力。In this recent interaction on social media, Jay Chou posted a message expressing his gratitude to the Taylor Swift team for the concert tickets they had sent him. This act of kindness not only warmed the hearts of their fans but also demonstrated the mutual respect and support between the two singers, highlighting the warmth and camaraderie within the music industry.在这次的社交平台上的互动中, 周杰伦发文感谢Taylor Swift团队送给他的霉霉演唱会门票,表达了对这份礼物的感激之情。这一举动让粉丝们感受到了跨界音乐界的温暖与友爱,也展现了两位歌手之间的互相尊重和支持。This cross-genre interaction has also sparked lively discussions and excitement among fans. Many fans expressed their delight and happiness to see the exchange and interaction between the two musical geniuses, anticipating more collaborations and interactions in the future. This event not only reinforces the strong fan bases of both artists but also creates new opportunities for crossover appeal and collaboration, further expanding their reach and influence in the music industry.这次跨界互动也引发了粉丝们的热烈讨论和期待。许多粉丝表示,能够看到两位音乐天才之间的交流与互动让他们感到十分激动和开心, 期待着未来能够看到更多的合作和互动。这次互动不仅是音乐界的一次跨界交流,更是展现了两位歌手之间的友谊和互相支持。                                                                                                                                                  素材来源:iYuba长按上方二维码,下载BBE英语APP
