Pictures showed French President Emmanuel Macron and his Brazilian counterpart, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, traipsing through the Amazon and posing beneath the soaring canopy in white button-down shirts. Then there they were again, standing close and clasping hands on a boat as Macron looked adoringly at Lula, both leaders faces lit by a gentle sun.


There were hugs and handshakes aplenty; smiles and selfies, too. Lula on Thursday bestowed the highest honor for a non-citizen on Macron, draping a medal around his neck.


Brazilian social media gobbled up the bonhomie with gusto, and users posted photos of the duo that many said looked more like a wedding album than a state visit. On the last evening of his trip, Macron joined in.

巴西社交媒体对两人的友好态度津津乐道, 网友转发了两人的照片,许多人说这些照片更像是婚礼相册,而不是国事访问。在行程的最后一晚,马克龙也发布了类似内容。

“Some people compared the images of my visit to Brazil with those of a wedding, and I say to them: It was a wedding!” he posted on X along with a photo of himself and Lula photoshopped onto the movie poster from “La La Land” in place of Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. “France loves Brazil and Brazil loves France!”

他在X上发帖称:“有人把我的巴西之行比作婚礼,我对他们说:这是一场婚礼!” 并将自己和卢拉的照片P在了《爱乐之城》的海报上,代替了瑞恩·高斯林和艾玛·斯通。“法国爱巴西,巴西也爱法国!”

Lula replied to his post with the flags of their two nations and an emoji of swirling hearts.


Their meeting represented something of a rapprochement after relations soured between Macron and Lulas predecessor, far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, as Amazon deforestation surged to a 15-year high on his watch.


And during 2023, the first year of his latest presidential term, Lula irked European leaders with claims that both Ukraine and Russia had decided to go to war and that the U.S. and European Union were “stimulating” the fighting. That drew sharp rebukes from both.

而在2023年,也就是他最新一届总统任期的第一年, 卢拉声称乌克兰和俄罗斯都决定开战,而美国和欧盟正在进行激烈的战争, 这引起了双方的强烈谴责。

Macrons absence had also been noticed at the Amazon Summit in the Brazilian city of Belem last year. He instead sent Frances ambassador to Brazil, representing its Amazonian territory of French Guiana. Deforestation in Lula”s first year in office fell by about half, to a five-year low.


The first day of Macrons visit took him precisely to Belem, which will host the COP30 climate conference in 2025. He and Lula announced a plan to spend 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion) in the Amazon, including parts of the rainforest in French Guiana. The next day, they launched a submarine built with French technology at a shipyard outside Rio de Janeiro.

